Common Prayers-Malayalam and English Transliteration
Evening, Soothara, Midnight and Morning Worship
Pampakuda Namaskaram – Malayalam and English Transliteration
Common Prayers – Evening and Soothara
Prayers on entering the church
Morning-Noon-and Evening Prayers
Acolytes – New Testament Reading on Sundays at the church (Sleeha Readings)
Service Book of the Holy Qurbana (Manglish)
(includes Sleeba, Kyamtha, and Qurbana)
Service Book of Holy Qurbana with Morning Prayers
(English with Manglish for Namaskaram Songs)
Holy Qurbana – Kyomtho Namskaram (Malayalam)
Holy Qurbana – Commentary and Description
English translation of the song ‘sodarare Kelppin’
This hymn was originally written in Malayalam by the late lamented Perumpilly Mor Gregorious Geevarghese
Prayers for Passion Week (Morning) – In English
Prayers for Passion Week (Evening) – In English
Holy Liturgy of Passion Week
From Hosanna (Palm Sunday) to Kymtho (Easter)
(Including service of Hosanna, Pesaha, Holy Saturday and Easter in Malayalam, English Transliteration and English Translation). Compiled by St. Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church, Toronto, Canada.
Holy Liturgy of Passion Week-Palm Sunday thru Easter
(in Malayalam, English Transliteration and English Translation)
From Carmel Apologetics
Prayer for Lent – Reconciliation
Great Lent Prayer Book – English
Great Lent Prayers – Malayalam- includes prayers for all 7 Yamams
Great Lent Prayers (Valia Nombu Namaskaram – Malayalam and English Transliteration)
Great Lent Namaskaram – Malayalm – (Samajam)
Prayers for the Great Lent
(Includes prayers for all 7 watches in Malayalam
Courtesy: St. Paul’s Prayer Fellowship)
Great Lent – Mid Lent (25th Day) – Raising of the Cross Liturgy (Malayalam-Samajam)
A Prayer for Ash Wednesday and for Lent by Dr. William R.G. Loader
Chain Prayer – 24 hours prayer to overcome difficulties (Malayalam – pdf)
Hedge Prayer for Return of a Wayward Spouse
Prayer for a Person Undergoing Persecution
The Good Prayer by Beinsa Douno
Prayer for Forgiveness of Sins by St. Gemma Galgani
Irresistible Novena to Jesus
The traditional novena that has never failed.
Christ King of Glory (CHRISTUS VINCIT)
God Cares About You
Prayer for a personal relationship with God.
The Universal Prayer by Pope Clement XI
Morning Hymn (George MacDonald)
Rick Warren’s Invocation Prayer at Barack Obama’s Inauguration (January 20, 2009)
Jesus’ Prayer of Thanksgiving
Jesus spent much time in prayer. On at least one occasion, He ‘continued all night in prayer to God’ (Luke 6:12), and no doubt a goodly portion of His prayer was thanksgiving prayer, as well as intercession.