Sun: 8:30am ET (Morning Prayer) & 9:30am ET (Holy Qurbana) | 9946 Haldeman Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19115, USA.
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St.Paul’s Men Fellowship

St. Paul’s Prayer Fellowship is a spiritual organization under the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America. The Supreme Patron of the Fellowship is His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church and the President & Patron is His Eminence Archbishop Mor Titus Yeldho. St. Paul’s Prayer Fellowship was started during the archdiocesan family conference held in 2002.

St. Paul’s Prayer Fellowship plays a dynamic role in the spiritual sustenance among men in our church. The fellowship meets typically every other Sunday after the Holy Qurbono at the Parish Building and spends about 30 minutes praying, and devoting time for fellowship and understanding. To ensure an active participation among the gatherers, we usually allocate most of the time to discuss various subjects from the scriptures and faith. One member of the Fellowship presents a topic for that particular day and a vivacious debate is followed. Pursuing this format for the Fellowship gatherings ensures a lively discussion and a chance for everyone to voice their opinion.  

Backbone of social functions at the church

Educates our young church members at Sunday School and other programs

Plays key role in Diocesan level meetings and regional meetings

Actively participates at church level prayer meetings

St. Paul's Mens Fellowship
St. Paul's Mens Fellowship
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